Monday, May 7, 2012

Beaded Tassel Bookmarks

Hi everyone,

Just a short blog today, so I thought I would talk about the bookmarks that I sell on my website

I make beaded tassel bookmarks, which have either an excerpt from the Bible on them, The Lord's Prayer, or a Latin prayer, or the Apostles' Creed, in either English or Latin, etc. They are all laminated, which serves two purposes, it keeps the bookmark clean and adds to its durability.

The tassels are made from Anchor fade-proof cotton, and some tassels have glass beads on them, or acrylic beads. Some tassels have wooden beads from the ancient olive groves in the Holy Land. The ancient olive trees are regularly pollarded. This is a process whereby older wood is cut out, which keeps the trees healthy. It is this pollarded wood which is made into the beads. Any item that I make that has Holy Land Olive Wood, comes with a Certificate of Authenticity confirming its origins.

The bookmarks are wonderful keepsakes, very often bought with one of my cards, for example, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation. I also do bookmarks that are completely personalised. Why not email me at to let me know what you would like. A couple of years ago I was asked to make over 300 bookmarks for a primary school in celebration of their school's anniversary. I followed their design, and they were thrilled with the result. I can do this for you too.

If you would like to see the bookmarks that I sell on my website, then please click on the link below to see them all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Louise , i love your blog and your website even more. Your collection is brilliant and i will tell my friends and customers about it. I especially love the bookmarks i think they make great present. Keep it up.

    Rose, Ahadi Fashion (came across your blog on twitter)
